
What are the startling implications if Jesus was never a hypocrite? If he didn’t waste the first thirty years of his life here on earth? With biblical and historical accuracy, insightful sanctified imagination, and brilliant storytelling, Brake and Beach foreshadow what we know with certainty from the New Testament. Get ready for epiphanies aplenty. —David Sanford, executive editor of four Bibles published by Zondervan and Tyndale House

I’ve spent the last two days totally consumed with They Called Him Yeshua. It’s a wonderful piece of work. I found it a powerful work, providing much food for reflection.

I really like the way the authors developed Jesus growing in wisdom as a real human, yet maintaining his divinity all the while.  The jealousy and animosity of his siblings is well portrayed, as well as His parents’ grappling with how to parent this holy child.

They Called Him Yeshua is a true page-turner novel about the first thirty years of Jesus’ life on earth.  Rich with historical and geographical background of Jesus’ early years, They Called Him Yeshua recreates the family and community life in which the infant Jesus grew into manhood. Here is a moving portrayal of the early years of the most important person in all of history. While weaving a captivating tale, the authors also provide rich insights into the mystery of God humbling Himself and being found in human form to ultimately become our Savior.

—Diana Severance, Ph.D. Director, Dunham Bible Museum, Houston Baptist University and author, Feminine Threads: Women in the Tapestry of Christian History.

This book’s richness of historical and cultural detail–especially the dangers of being a Jewish parent under the dark menace of Roman rule–helped me understand in a much deeper way things like the peril of the birth of Jesus and Mary’s panic when the Child was lost in Jerusalem. With warmth, tenderness, and care, the authors picture poignant details: a young Yeshua who, awestruck, fell in love at first sight with Jerusalem; an obedient Son who humbled Himself before his earthly abba, Joseph, saying “I want you to teach me, too. I need to understand how you see the world. That is your gift to me.” This book is a gift to anyone who loves such a Son. —Dr. Latayne C. Scott, Prolific writer, novelist and historian and award-winning author of A Conspiracy of Breath

I became immersed in this story and realized the license used to fill in the gaps, not recorded in Scripture, are based on historical truths. You find yourself living with Mary and Joseph and the families. You fear when the Roman soldiers descend on the residents. Rarely do you find a historical novelist in the vein of Brock and Bodie Thoene, but the author has done it. A powerful, eye-opening ride. –Mike Petersen, Church Ministry Manager, Tyndale House Publishers

Dr. Brake’s re-creation of the scenes of Jesus’ early years highlight their impact and influences in his ministry. Jesus’ lost years are brought to life in an easily-read, engaging story.

–Carol Trumbold, Retired Executive Vice President, publishing company

As a rule, I don’t read many novels.  But when a man of Dr. Don Brake’s character and stature chooses to write one, my interest is piqued!   They called Him Yeshua has stimulated me to pursue Jesus even more closely.

The mind of a seasoned historian, a biblical linguist, and a cultural analyst… combined with the heart and soul of a lifelong humble Jesus follower… has developed in Don Brake a sacred imagination.  Don is well qualified to help us look curiously into the early decades of our Savior’s earthly life, years where Scripture is largely silent.

In these pages, you are welcomed inside the home of a young Son of Israel who is “growing in wisdom and stature.”  Do step inside.  Smell the morning bread baking. Feel the daily tension living in small town Nazareth where the brutal Roman military is stationed.  Reflect on the love… and the fear… and the faith of a family living amidst oppressive pain from multiple sources–political, economic and religious.  And see the young Boy blossom into the grown Man who is the Savior of the world and the Deliverer from it.

I want to know my Lord more intimately.  Don Brake has helped me. Reflecting on some of the pages here, I walked today where Jesus walked. Stu Weber, pastor, author, and a U.S. Army veteran awarded three bronze stars as a Green Beret in Vietnam is best-selling author of several “Gold Medallion finalist” books. The Tender Warrior is a 20-year bestseller

Donald Brake conveys his scholarly wisdom and passion for biblical accuracy through a heart-rending story of Joseph, Jesus Christ’s earthly father. Through his extensive personal experiences in Israel, Brake writes as a scribe, communicating the scenes as they’re happening, yet making readers privy to under currents with powerful ramifications. Yes, this is a novel, but it is also devotional, study, and inspiration to draw us nearer to the One they called, Yeshua.  Mesu Andrews, Novelist of nine biblical character novels and still writing and the 2012 ECPA Debut Author Book of the Year

I read your book and it thrilled me. You write so beautifully about our Lord and Savior. I so enjoyed it and I hope there are more from you. Say hello to Carol for me. Linda would have been thrilled to know someone she went to school with is now famous. Bless you. —Donna Patterson, High School mate

They Called Him Yeshua: The Story of the Young Jesus